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  • Medha Gupta

Are There Any Benefits to Tongue Scraping?

Benefits to Tongue Scraping

Oral hygiene is much more than teeth and gum health—for example, tongue health. This unique mass of muscle occupies one-third of your mouth and is the first to encounter all that you eat and drink. Despite this, the tongue gets little appreciation and no special attention. Often, recurring texture and color changes on the tongue could be symptoms of a specific underlying condition. Hence, the benefits to tongue scraping cannot be ignored.

Does Tongue Scraping Do Anything?

The tongue is the carrier of food and water from the mouth into the throat. It helps you churn the food, paste it, mix it, and swallow it. It stays in contact with food particles for a significant amount of time before you swallow it. Hence, when left unclean for long, the tongue begins to look dirty!

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of a dirty tongue:

  • White coated tongue

A dirty tongue may have a coating or discoloration that is noticeable. This could be as subtle as a thin white or yellowish film or as obvious as a thicker covering. The amount of buildup will influence the color and thickness of the coating.

  • Debris

A dirty tongue may have visible debris or particles on the surface. This can be leftover food, germs, dead cells, or other collected materials.

  • Bad breath

Persistent bad breath, often known as halitosis, is one of the most annoying signs of a dirty tongue. Foul odors may result from the buildup of germs, food particles, and other detritus on the surface of the tongue.

  • Bad taste

An unclean tongue ruins your ability to taste and appreciate flavors. The buildup on the tongue, interferes with the taste buds, causing a reduced perception of taste. A dirty tongue can also leave behind a lingering metallic or bad taste in your mouth. This flavor may be described as metallic, offensive, or simply unpleasant.

  • Dry mouth

An unclean tongue might exacerbate the feeling of a dry mouth. A sense of dryness and discomfort is the result of the accumulation on the tongue, which prevents salivation.

Benefits Of Using Tongue Cleaner

You can reap the benefits to tongue scraping by using your tongue cleaner correctly and regularly. Here are a few ways in which you can gain the benefits of using tongue cleaner efficiently:

  • Rinse your mouth after every meal or snack bite to flush out the residual debris.

  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash twice daily to effectively disinfect the tongue and the gums.

  • Use a tongue scraper:

Tongue scrapers can be purchased online or at most drugstores. Choose a scraper with curved edges. Open your mouth widely while facing a mirror. You should comfortably extend your tongue as far as possible. Hold the scraper firmly as you hold it with both hands. Scrape your tongue from the back to the front by placing the scraper softly on the surface and dragging it forward. To prevent any discomfort or irritability, use gentle pressure.

After each scrape, rinse the scraper with water to get rid of the built-up debris. Continue scraping systematically.

  • Modern toothbrush heads have a roughened back that can also be used for tongue scraping.

  • Oil pulling: Use an organic oil to swish for 5 to 10 minutes regularly and spit it out. Oil, being hydrophobic and sticky, adheres to water-insoluble gooey debris and germs and removes them.

Tongue Scraping And Gut Health

The benefits to tongue scraping may go beyond oral health. The mouth is the portal of entry for nutrition and hydration in the body. Thus, a clean portal ensures optimum health.

Let us understand the health benefits to tongue scraping in detail:

  • Tongue scraping improves gut health:

According to Ayurveda, tongue scraping stimulates the digestive system by removing microorganisms and undigested food particles that may interfere with digestion. Tongue scraping may indirectly improve digestion by improving oral cleanliness.

  • Healthier immunity:

If toxins and bacteria accumulate on the tongue's surface, the immune system is stirred up all day fighting them. By regularly scraping your tongue to reduce oral bacteria, you may strengthen your immune system as a whole.

  • Helps remove bacteria, food particles, dead cells, and other toxins:

Removing the source of the odor-causing substances can considerably lessen foul breath (halitosis). It also helps prevent plaque buildup, which can exacerbate dental conditions like gum disease and tooth decay.

  • Enhanced flavour perception:

Regularly scraping your tongue will help you enjoy your meals by getting rid of any buildup that might interfere with your sense of taste.


Although the benefits to tongue scraping are numerous, it shouldn't be used in place of routine brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. It should be done in conjunction with a thorough oral hygiene regimen, only as a supplemental practice. It's advisable to speak with a dentist if you have any worries or specific oral health disorders.



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