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  • Medha Gupta

Can a root canal treated tooth pain again?

by Dr Medha Gupta

Can a root canal treated tooth pain again?


In today's dentistry, root canal therapy (RCT) is a very common procedure. When a cavity is too severe to treat and damages internal nerves, we must also fill the tooth's roots. That's when RCT comes into the picture. Modern dentistry has made RCT less painful and quicker to complete.

The area of dentistry that deals with RCTs is known as endodontics, and endodontists are experts in RCTs.

The RCT procedure can be completed in one appointment or over the course of two or three.


Q: Following an RCT, what happens to the tooth?

A: Simply put, a RCT restores a tooth's functional capacity, but because the tooth lacks nerves, it is not responsive to any sensations.

Q: Does that mean it won't ever experience pain or other sensations?

A: Alas! That's not true.

It is an established fact that an RC-treated tooth can elicit pain and sensations again.

Q: When should you follow up with their endodontist?

A: The next time your RC-treated tooth hurts.

Q: Why, though?

  • The most frequent cause of your pain is the altered bite brought on by the ceramic cap on your teeth.

  • The cap doesn't fit snugly.

  • Gum infection results from severe food accumulation near the cap.

  • The tooth roots are now once more infected by the gum infection.

  • The root tips were not completely sealed by the RCT.

  • Infection in the root canals is regenerating,

Let's tackle each problem one at a time.

  1. Fixing the ceramic cap's issues

  • Ask your dentist to identify any interference points and smooth them if the bite still feels uneven after the cap has been fixed.

  • Please get that cap replaced if there appears to be a clear misfit and you can feel a large gap.

  • Metal-free ceramic caps made of zirconia are the best quality currently on the market.

  1. Gum-related problems:

  • The problem is fixed with some polishing and scaling around the tooth.

  • Make it a habit to rinse your mouth after each meal and to floss the area around the cap.

  • Observe proper oral hygiene.

  1. Re-infection of the tooth with RC treatment:

  1. Re-infection factors:

  • It can be challenging to thoroughly clean root canals that are curved or narrow.

  • Regular x-rays cannot detect accessory root canals, so they go uncleaned.

  • Seepage from beneath the cap is causing new decay.

  • When the patient demands a single-sit RCT and the tooth is not given enough time to heal.

  • when the lesion spreads to the nearby bone and becomes persistent.

  • In case the tooth is fractured.

  1. Restoring an infected RC teated tooth:

  • With the help of your endodontist, determine the root of the infection.

  • Learn about the tooth's prognosis.

  • Getting a CBCT (3D xray) is advised.

  • After removing the root fillings, the canals are examined.

  • The canals are repeatedly flushed, cleaned, and sealed with medicinal pastes.

  • Look for any indications of discomfort in the tooth.

  • A final cleaning is performed before sealing the canals.

  • The tooth is kept under observation before a new cap is applied.

In summary,

Re-root canal therapy sounds like a time-consuming, laborious process. The strength and comfort of a natural tooth, however, cannot be matched. Always make an effort to preserve your natural teeth before considering options like extractions, dental implants, and ceramic bridges.


  • Haapasalo M, Udnæs T, Endal U. Persistent, recurrent, and acquired infection of the root canal system post‐treatment. Endodontic topics. 2003 Nov;6(1):29-56.




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