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Several Open Books
  • Medha Gupta

Committed to supporting you through your journey to motherhood

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The modern tale of pregnancy:

There is beauty in the madness of becoming a mom. You are the real Wonder Woman if you've done it or are contemplating becoming one. Pregnancy and birthing are multifarious and come with their share of challenges. The healthcare sector is flooded with a plethora of content, services, and products for the induction and accomplishment of pregnancy, but how many of those talk about the "fourth trimester"?

You've read it right! The fourth trimester, or postpartum or post-childbirth, is a bittersweet journey. As much as the feeling of motherhood is divine, it is tough with a newborn. Rapid urbanization, hectic work schedules, travel plans, increased disposable incomes, and swanky lifestyles have made motherhood very different for Gen X and millennials. Nuclear families and single mothers leave the mother with little help for the baby and herself. Recovery and care for the little one and its "neomama" (new mom ) becomes challenging.

This is where MomKidCare pitches in. Momkidcare believes in a holistic approach that helps a woman in every aspect. They are a team of specialists including doctors, coaches, trainers, psychologists, and attendants who hold your hand to plan your pregnancy, the pregnancy journey, and postpartum care.

Hardships in pregnancy:

The beautiful journey leading up to, throughout, and after pregnancy is rewarding. It is a turning point that changes a woman's life. However, like in any other biological process, bearing a child comes with its share of pain points.

Let's enlist all the common problems encountered and their solutions:

Phase 1: Pre-conception (planning for pregnancy).

You're not alone if you're having trouble getting pregnant and feeling down, defeated, or depressed. Research indicates that infertility can have a significant emotional impact on those receiving treatment and their partners. Coping with infertility is extremely difficult. Some of the reasons for difficulty in conceiving include:

  • Unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, drinking, drug abuse, and irregular sleep patterns can cause hormonal changes leading to a difficult pregnancy.

  • Stress: Work/family stress and hectic schedules increase the cortisol levels in the body. This disrupts the cycles of the reproductive hormones.

  • PCOS: An imbalance of reproductive hormones is a common health issue that results in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A healthy menstrual cycle involves the release of an egg from the ovaries each month. Because of PCOS, the egg might not develop properly or it might not be released during ovulation as it should be.

  • Age: A woman's fertility typically starts to decline in her early 30s, and more so after age 35.

  • Missing fertile periods: irregular periods confuses you about the ovulation dates, this could be a leading cause of unsuccessful attempts.

  • Failure to produce a mature egg: irregular menstruation may interfere with the normal development of the egg or its rupture.

  • Unhealthy uterus: Conception can be affected by uterine abnormalities like scar tissue, the presence of micro polyps, or even the shape of the cavity.

  • Fallopian tube blockage: Women who have had pelvic surgery or appendicectomies may experience a silent blockage of the tubes.

  • Endometriosis: uterine tissues found outside the uterus lead to repeated implantation failures.

  • Underlying nutritional deficiencies: malnourishment, and junk food affect the hormonal cycle.

  • Co-comorbidities: diabetes and anemia are some of the underlying causes.

  • Male factor: low sperm count, poor motility, or male infertility.

MomKidCare actively participates in helping you plan your pregnancy. Pregnancy planning includes:

Fertility diet:

Increasing nutrition through your diet may be a goal if you're trying to get pregnant. According to research, eating foods rich in unsaturated fat, whole grains, vegetables, and fish may improve fertility and help you have a healthy pregnancy.

Eating as if you were pregnant can help your body get ready for it. Folic acid, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids were among the vitamins and nutrients that were associated with favorable effects on fertility. This prevents malnourishment and ensures a healthy lifestyle, thereby ensuring a healthy uterus.

Fertility yoga

It is a series of yoga poses that strengthen the body and increase the likelihood of conception, in addition to lowering stress levels and purging the body of toxins. It controls co-morbidities and resets hormonal fluctuations.

Fertility physiotherapy

Physical therapy for the pelvic floor has been shown to reduce infertility. It involves using a variety of manual therapy techniques and self-management techniques.

Skilled physical therapists use myofascial stabilization to increase scar tissue mobility and reduce adhesion in and around the uterus, as in blockages and obstruction. To ensure proper blood flow and lymphatic drainage to your pelvis, the physical therapist may also employ visceral and fascial mobilization techniques.

We will also guide you in the proper use of vaginal dilators and teach you breathing techniques like diaphragmatic breathing.

Fertility physiotherapy for the pelvic floor has also been shown to lessen signs and symptoms of endometriosis and PCOS ( leading causes of infertility ) and improve pain.

MomKidCare houses a team of esteemed therapists who are well versed in different fertility programs and their indications. They will explain and suggest a plan that is customized to your needs when the organic methods show poor results.

These include artificial insemination (AI), intrauterine insemination (IUI), in-vitro fertilization (IVF), donor eggs, egg freezing, surrogacy, and many more.

Phase 2: Pregnancy (conception)

  • Fatigue: Your levels of progesterone will rise, which may make you feel sleepy.

  • Nauseous, with or without morning sickness: it is purely due to hormonal fluctuations.

  • Mild spotting: It is called implantation bleeding. The burrowing of the zygote into the uterine wall sheds a part of the uterine lining. This results in minimal blood loss.

  • The urgency to pee: Your body produces more blood when you're pregnant. This results in the kidneys processing more fluid than usual, which fills your bladder with more fluid.

  • Bloating, heartburn: Your stomach and esophagus' valves may relax as a result of hormones. This allows stomach acid to leak, causing heartburn.

  • Constipation: This might be caused by hormonal changes, which can also make your digestive system slower. You could feel constipated and blocked as a result.

  • Loss of appetite: Heightened smell reflex may also cause a strong distaste for certain foods.

  • Uterine cramps: The uterus is expanding to make room for your developing baby, which is why you may experience cramping.

  • Tender breasts: Your breasts keep expanding due to hormones. The region surrounding the nipple, known as the areola, may become darker and enlarge.

  • Mood swings: During pregnancy, your levels of estrogen and progesterone will be high. Your mood may be affected, making you feel more sensitive or impulsive than usual. Mood swings are typical of pregnancy and can result in depression.

  • Unusual and untimely cravings

Phase 3: Pregnancy ( second trimester).

  • Braxton Hicks contractions: you may experience light, erratic abdominal contractions as well as a slight tightness. They're more likely to occur in the afternoon or evening, or after physical activity.

  • A growing belly, weight, and breasts: As your uterus expands and lactation hormones surge, these parts grow big.

  • Leg pains and cramps: often happen at night. The legs are tired from the sudden weight gain. Blood flow to the legs is compromised.

  • Dizziness: changes in circulation leaves you dizzy, and lightheaded.

  • Nasal stuffiness: Your body produces more blood as your hormone levels rise. Your mucous membranes may swell and bleed more readily as a result, resulting in stuffiness and nosebleeds.

  • Skin issues: your skin's melanin production rises as a result of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. You may consequently notice brown patches (melasma) on your face. You might also see a dark line down your abdomen (linea nigra). These skin modifications are frequent and typically disappear after delivery. But exposure to the sun can make things worse.

  • Dental aches and pains: your gums become more vulnerable to the effects of brushing and flossing, resulting in light bleeding. A pregnancy tumor is a small swelling in the gums caused by hormone fluctuation. It is not a cause for worry!

  • Repeated UTIs: the heavy bladder presses the kidney, preventing the complete emptying of the bladder. Residual urine is a breeding ground for bacteria.

  • Emotional swings: comparatively lesser mood swings

Phase 4: Pregnancy ( third trimester).

  • Backaches are a nuisance: the connective tissue that holds your bones in place is relaxed by pregnancy hormones, especially in the pelvic region. During the third trimester of pregnancy, these changes can be difficult on your back and frequently cause discomfort.

  • Difficulty in breathing: increased weight and compromised blood circulation causes stuffiness and claustrophobia.

  • Heartburn: The valve between your stomach and esophagus is loosened by pregnancy hormones. Heartburn may result from this, allowing stomach acid to reflux into your esophagus.

  • Frequent urination: You'll experience increased pressure on your bladder as your baby descends further into your pelvis. You may urinate more frequently. Additionally, this added pressure may lead to urination, especially when you laugh, cough, sneeze, bend, or lift.

  • Hemorrhoids: higher blood pressure causes painful, itchy varicose veins in your rectal area.

  • Spider veins: Your face, neck, and arms may develop small reddish-purple veins (spider veins) due to increased blood circulation. Following delivery, the redness usually goes away.

  • Varicose veins: Increased blood circulation might cause swollen veins (varicose veins) in your legs.

  • Emotional upheaval and anxiety: The level of anxiety and emotional turmoil is at its highest. Fears related to childbirth could intensify as excitement increases. How painful will it be? How much time will it take? How will I cope?

We do not leave you post conception-now starts the real journey. We will be by your side and ward off all your anxieties. Here is how we can assist you:

Pregnancy yoga

Pregnancy yoga is a composite form of exercise that promotes stretching, mental clarity, and concentrated breathing, similar to other childbirth education classes. It typically involves breathing, stretching, certain postures, and relaxing. It is beneficial in the following ways:

  • Reduction of stress, anxiety, and emotional swings.

  • Eases backaches and leg pains.

  • Improves sleep

  • Improves appetite

  • Strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, preparing for childbirth.

MomKidCare employs some of the most popular yoga instructors for offline and virtual classes on a one-on-one basis as well.

Pregnancy diet

A pregnant woman must deal with a variety of difficulties, including weight gain, managing upcoming pregnancy and delivery problems like morning sickness, constipation, high blood pressure, thyroid and hormonal issues, gestational diabetes, preventing premature birth or low birth weight babies, promoting a healthy delivery, and reducing the risk of miscarriage. The best coping mechanism is a healthy mind and body. The baseline for physical health is a well-designed diet plan.

To bust a popular myth about pregnancy eating, you do not have to eat for 2! Eating a balanced meal in adequate proportions will stop you from frequent snacking. A few ingredients that are a must:

  • Folate for the healthy development of the spinal cord and the nervous system

  • Calcium and vitamin D for stronger bones.

  • Proteins for overall growth

  • Iron for better blood health and prevention of anemia.

Pregnancy physiotherapy:

This eases back and leg pains, strengthens the bladder and prevents urine incontinence, and boosts the muscles of the pelvic floor for delivery. It involves stabilization and flexibility exercises along with therapeutic body massage.

We at MomKidCare are happy to serve you in the comfort of your home.

Emotional counseling:

Pregnancy, with its mood swings, gets tougher by the day. There is excitement, joy, and deep-rooted anxiety, all at once.

Momkidcare's skilled and licensed medical professionals can offer support and treatment for emotional imbalances in expectant mothers, new mothers, and mothers who have had difficult pregnancy before.

Childbirth education:

For some women, a review of the fundamentals of pregnancy and childbirth may be redundant, while for others, it may be completely new. One cannot assume that previously acquired information is accurate or complete. Therefore, each person's needs should be taken into account when reviewing and modifying all information. That is how MomKidCare will customize and prepare your educational training.

Childbirth education is intended to offer direction and counseling regarding the labor process, pain, and emotional management during and after the baby's birth.

Garbh sanskar

The term originates in ancient Ayurveda and translates into "education in the womb". The fetus is not considered as a physiological mass of flesh, but rather it is very much responsive to external stimuli of music, sounds, emotions, activities moods, and emotions.

MomKidCare collaborates with experienced Garbh Sanskar trainers who will guide you with a satwik diet regimen, yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, listening to ragas and shlokas, storytelling, etc.

This program is highly customized per an individual's preferred needs.

Carefor9 program:

This one is a specialty program of MomKidCare, highly customized with premium and holistic services. The program goes beyond a healthy diet and a healthy mind to offer you that extra care at every step of pregnancy for you and your unique needs.

The program offers lactation support, emotional health care, antenatal childbirth education, childbirth-specific yoga, and nutrition—all essentials for pregnant women throughout their wonderful nine-month journey and beyond.

Our vision and mission:

We are the chaperones of maternity and baby care. Our experts cater to the entire journey, from planning to conceiving to delivery and even post-delivery. We offer prenatal and postnatal care.

Pregnant couples and single mothers are often coerced into choosing their doctors, services, and products based on some outstanding, fancy content and market gimmicks. We do not aim to be a platform that enlists services for you to pick and choose, we want to be your companion.



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