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  • Medha Gupta

Good Habits Versus Bad Habits Concerning Your Oral Health

Good Habits Versus Bad Habits Concerning Your Oral Health


A habit is a regular tendency, especially one that is hard to give up. Quite correctly so, habits are dependable. The most successful investor of the 20th century and American philanthropist Warren Buffett said it best: "Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."

Healthy teeth require a lifetime of maintenance. Even if you were born with nice teeth, it’s important to take care of them and prevent dental problems. Correct dental habits need to be instilled in children by parents and teachers. When you grow up knowing what's right, it becomes easy as an adult.

Let's quickly review the bad versus good habits for your oral health:

Bad dental habits :

  1. Brushing too hard and failing to brush at bedtime:

You're not required to scrub your teeth! Brushing horizontally to and fro is bad for the gums. Furthermore, they harm enamel. Every time you don't brush at night, you're allowing the bacteria in your mouth to break down all the leftover food particles.

  1. Snacking all-day:

Coffee, sugary foods, fizzy drinks, and munchies are all delicious but not acceptable. Don't give in. Energy drinks with added sugar and sodas make the mouth acidic. Bacteria can thrive best in an acidic environment.

  1. Gummies:

These days, gummies are a common vitamin supplement. They are sticky and tend to linger in the mouth for several hours after consumption. As a result, they draw tartar and plaque.

  1. Cough drops:

These lozenges relieve sore throats. They are taken randomly at any time of the day.The high sugar content in these is bad for the teeth's enamel.

  1. Using your teeth as a tool:

Teeth are not designed to rip open bottles and chip bags. The front teeth frequently chip or break due to these shear forces.

  1. Chewing on objects and getting pierced:

A pencil chewing habit or having piercings can both cause tooth damage and soft tissue scarring in the mouth.

  1. Nail biting:

It can lead to enamel loss and stifled nail growth.

Both tobacco and nicotine lead to dependence, mouth lesions, tooth staining, and oral cancer.

  1. Grinding and clenching of teeth:

Anxiety, stress, improperly done fillings, and crooked teeth can all lead to bruxism, or teeth grinding. Bruxism causes tooth sensitivity and gradually wears away the enamel.

  1. Bottle feeding at bedtime, thumb sucking in babies:

To stop rampant tooth decay, mouth breathing, and irregular jaw growth patterns, these habits should be broken at a young age.

Good dental habits:

  1. Brush before going to bed:

Brush twice a day, and definitely before bed. Do not indulge in midnight munching after that.

  1. Brush smart, not hard:

Brush gently in a quick circular motion while using a soft toothbrush.

  1. Clean your tongue:

Do not forget the tongue after brushing. Use a tongue scraper to remove the white tongue coating.

  1. Use the correct toothpaste:

Steer clear of toothpaste and tooth powders that are abrasive and harsh. They make teeth sensitive by wearing away the enamel.

  1. Floss, rinse, and repeat:

After every meal, rinse your mouth with water to get rid of any food residue. Floss between your teeth to remove any food particles.

  1. Use adjuncts like mouthwashes and water flossers:

Water flossers use a strong water jet to flush out any loose dental plaque. Chlorhexidine, an ingredient in mouthwash, keeps gums healthy.

  1. Drinks adequate water:

To promote gum health and maintain saliva flow, stay hydrated by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of pure water each day.

  1. Watch your diet:

Cut back on junk food and sweets. Include proteins, vegetables, and fruits in your meals to maintain fitness.

  1. Quit smoking:

The quick smoke break in between a hectic work day is lucrative, we get it! But each cigarette is reducing your life by 11 minutes - you need to get this.

  1. Visit your dentist:

Last but not least, visit your dentist regularly to have your oral health evaluated.


Stop contemplating! Now is the time to book an appointment with the local dentist in Botswana. Choose your dental products wisely and use them regularly.



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