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How to finally switch your sleep position to end back pain

How to finally switch your sleep position to end back pain


Phyllis Diller said, "You know you’re growing older when your back starts going out more than you do," but that's no longer the case. Many Gen Zers who visit my orthopedic colleague's office are looking for relief from back pain; sad state of affairs, isn’t it?

Leading causes of back pain in today’s world is;

Wrong sleeping position

The younger generation loves to sleep on their stomachs, and it's quite common for them to do so. Health-wise, the position might be harmful. This position is bad for your spine and posture, even though it can help prevent sleep apnea and lessen snoring.

Sleeping on your stomach forces your neck to turn, which can hurt your neck and upper back. Due to the flattening of your spine's natural curve, this position places the most strain on your joints and muscles.

Wrong sitting posture

Slouching! You might be doing it right now while reading this article. Are you ?

Over the years, hunching while standing or sitting can strain and make the muscles in your back, core, and abdomen sore. The blood flow is halted, resulting in lower back and trunk stiffness and weakness.

Wrong position at the work desk

If you must sit for a long period of time, poor positioning of the chair and work screen can cause severe back pain. When working from home we frequently use laptop and tablets, which, if not properly cared for, can lead to poor posture. Despite being very comfortable, using a laptop while lying in bed, it can cause numerous back and neck musculoskeletal problems.


Long work hours demand more chair time and fewer breaks. This strains back muscles to hold the body upright in the same position for hours. Food intake and workouts become erratic, further ruining the back muscles.

The solution:

Work and office schedules will linger. With the ongoing inflation rates, work stress will just keep piling up. Neither at home nor in the office can you change the furnishings overnight. Work from home may drive you to sit on the bed at times (I am sure, the residents of cramped hostel rooms, can identify with this one).

What’s in your hands is rectifying your posture. And correct sleep posture seems to be the easiest variable to begin with. Today we shall discuss sleeping positions that promise expeditious recovery from back pain.

  1. Supine position, or lying flat on the bed with chin up and hands by your sides is the choicest sleep posture to restore back health. Argh! I know it isn’t cosy and not pleaureable. But it’s the fastest way for you to lessen the nagging sore back. To enhance spine alignment, place one pillow underneath your head or neck and another underneath your knees.

  2. Second in line and a comparatively more acceptable sleeping position is side sleeping with your legs straight. It has dual benefits of being medically ideal for snorers and people wth sleep apnea. Keeping both legs stretched out with a pillow tucked in-between the kness is perfect in keeping the spine and the back muscles in neutral position.

The fetal position, which involves bending the legs to bring the chin closer to the kness, promotes an uneven weight distribution that can lead to back pain and sore joints.

Soft cotton pillows with with a comparatively non-resilient mattress is ideal for sleep. The shoulders should be perpendicular to the bed, hence there isn’t a standard pillow height that can be suggested.


To conclude, do not rush out of bed. Let the freshly awakened body pick up the pace of the day. You can realign your body and strengthen the supporting muscles in the morning by stretching for two to three minutes.



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