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  • Medha Gupta

Loose teeth

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Loose teeth


A wobbly tooth in an adult is a matter of concern. It is a sign of underlying gum disease and poor oral health. Contrary to a popular urban saying, "a loose tooth will not rest until it is pulled out," modern dentistry specializes in salvaging a loose tooth and its functions.

When should you be worried about your shaky teeth?

  1. Bleeding, red, swollen gums

  2. Bad breath

  3. Foul taste

  4. Gum recession

  5. Loose teeth

  6. Hypersensitivity

  7. Mild gnawing pain/itch

The causes of loose teeth in adults are:

  1. Advanced gum disease:

Also called acute/chronic periodontitis, it is a bacterial disease of the gums caused by poor dental hygiene. If you don’t brush or floss regularly, or skip regular dental scaling, tartar can build up in the space underneath your gums.

Gum disease can worsen and destroy bone if it is not treated. As a result, your teeth will become loose and lack enough support. Early signs of gum disease include gums that bleed, are painful, or are red.

  1. Teeth grinding

Clenching and grinding of teeth unknowingly is called bruxism. It wears away the tooth surfaces, initiates sensitivity and overloads the surrounding bone and tissues. It often causes loosening of teeth.

  1. Accidents:

Trauma from an injury/ accident can loosen teeth. It often accompanies pain and discomfort.


  1. Gum surgeries:

As much as the term sounds harrowing, gum surgery is quick with minimal pain. It is performed in a dental setup under local anesthesia by a gum specialist called a periodontist. They are also known as flap surgeries and involve the cleaning of the teeth underneath the gums.

The latest advancement in gum surgery is a LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) that uses a soft tissue laser beam to treat gum inflammation. It is a painless procedure with minimal bleeding.

  1. Grafting:

It is a procedure of applying bone tissue or similar particles to an area surrounding the tooth. This acts as a scaffold for the formation of new bone.

  1. Splinting:

As the name suggests, a thin malleable metal wire or a tooth color fiber is bonded to multiple adjoining loose teeth to stabilize and reinforce them.

  1. Night guard:

It is a thin protective transparent guard that snugly wraps around your teeth and prevents bruxism.

  1. Teeth straightening/ bite adjustments:

It includes multiple procedures, from braces and aligners to fillings, crowns, and bridges. The loose teeth are stabilized when the biting forces are well balanced and adjusted.

Tips to prevent loose teeth:

  1. Brush and floss your teeth regularly

  2. Rinse your mouth after every meal.

  3. Visit your dentist periodically to detect a gum issue early.

  4. Avoid sugary foods and carbonated drinks

  5. Keep a check on your diabetes and vitamin D/ calcium levels.



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