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  • Medha Gupta

My tooth cap keeps falling off - remedies!

Updated: Mar 10, 2023


My tooth cap keeps falling off - remedies!


Dental bridges, crowns, and caps are metallic or non-metallic prosthetic devices used to restore missing teeth or strengthen weak ones. They come in a variety of materials, including stainless steel, gold, silver, and ceramic (zirconia and lithium disilicate), and are either full coverage or partial coverage.

When are you indicated for a dental crown/bridge:

The main purpose of a crown is to restore strength, functionality, shape and size to a tooth, and to improve its appearance.

Situations where a crown may be needed include:

  • To protect a tooth that has become weakened (for example by decay) or cracked, by holding it together and preventing it from breaking.

  • To replace an old, broken or failing tooth filling.

  • To restore a tooth that has already broken.

  • To restore length on worn down teeth (for example from grinding).

  • To cover and support a tooth that has a large filling if there isn’t much natural tooth structure left.

  • To make a cosmetic modification such as closing spaces between teeth, or reshaping or rotating teeth.

  • Crowns are used to hold dental bridges in place.

  • A crown is used to cover a dental implant.

  • A crown is recommended to restore strength to any tooth that has undergone root canal therapy.

A crown will not only enhance the appearance of the tooth, but will protect it from further wear and breakdown.

In the case of an entire missing tooth, gaps left in the mouth will eventually cause the surrounding teeth to shift or rotate into the empty space, causing malocclusion (‘bad bite’), which can have a negative impact on diet. It can also cause bone deterioration in the jaw and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Therefore, it is always advisable to discuss tooth replacement options with your dentist, such as an implant and crown, rather than leaving gaps in dentition.

Let’s quickly understand the steps in the fabrication of a dental crown:

First appointment: This entails shaping the teeth in question and taking measurements; the technician is sent the molds along with the pertinent instructions.

Second appointment: The trial is conducted.

Appointment 3: The final prosthesis is delivered and necessary adjustments are made chairside.

Dental crowns are strong, sturdy, and can last anywhere between 10 and 20 years. Nevertheless, mishaps can happen that make the crown wobbly. If that occurs, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible.

Let's understand the reasons for a loose crown/bridge in detail:

  1. Consistency of food:

Chewing gum is not advised if you have multiple oral prostheses. The same foods that tend to stick to natural teeth, such as caramelized chocolates, sugary candies, dates, and jaggery, also tug onto caps. It's best to eat sticky and crunchy foods in smaller portions.

  1. Clenching/grinding of teeth or bruxism:

The cement that is used to fix crowns is overworked when people clench their jaws and grind teeth at night. The crown eventually becomes loose. It's crucial to watch out for signs like pain, fatigue in the jaws, and headaches as soon as you wake up. Get a night guard made by the dentist at the earliest. The night guard serves as protection for the teeth.

  1. Secondary decay underneath the crown:

Age, inadequate flossing, and poor oral hygiene can frequently cause new cavities beneath the crowns. The tooth becomes brittle over time, and the crown on top becomes loose.

  1. Persistent gum infection:

The main causes of gum infection are genetic predisposition, diabetes, poor oral hygiene, and comorbidities.A dental crown could become loose over time if the gums around it swell and turn red.

  1. Trauma:

Crowns and bridges may fracture as a result of trauma to the restored tooth or from biting on a hard object.

  1. Iatrogenic causes:

A dental cap may become loose due to a variety of reasons, including poorly shaped teeth, faulty sintering and casting by the technician, or the use of subpar cement.


If your dental crown comes off, do not panic. To prevent any mismatch of fit, schedule an appointment with your nearest dentist within the next two days. The secret to long-term maintenance of dental prostheses is maintaining good oral hygiene and making periodic visits to the dentist.



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