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  • Medha Gupta

Teeth Whitening-Say Goodbye to Yellow Teeth!

by Dr Medha Gupta

Whiter teeth have been the most coveted beauty hack since the prehistoric era. Teeth whitening, or the bleaching of discolored teeth , is the second most popular dental service after tooth extraction worldwide.

Why are my teeth discolored?


1. Food and beverages -

  • Coffee/tea

  • Aerated drinks

2. Habits-

  • Cigarettes, cigars, and bidis

  • Paan/tobacco chewing

3. Mouthwash-

  • Chlorhexidine (taken without a prescription)

4. High amounts of metal ions in drinking water—

  • Copper salts

  • Iron salts

  • Iodine

  • Nickle

5. Fluorosis-

  • High fluoride content in the drinking water can cause visible white spots and lines on the teeth.

6. Poor oral hygiene-

  • Bad brushing and rinsing habits cause deposits and tartar on the teeth and gums over time.

  1. Tooth wear and tear

  2. Tooth decay

  3. Old fillings and metal caps

  4. Trauma


1. Drugs/medicines/mouthwash

( taken without the supervision of a physician).

  • Tetracycline

  • Ciprofloxacin

  • Metronidazole

  • Chlorhexidine rinse

2. Inherited causes

  • thin enamel or enamel formation defects.

  • Thick Dentin

  • Hereditary/Genetics

Teeth whitening methods

‘Whiten teeth’ at the dental clinic:

Teeth whitening can be done in-office by a cosmetic dentist or at home under the supervision of one.

Teeth bleaching (in-office):

  1. Internal bleaching: A brownish-yellow root canal done tooth can be whitened by placing a bleaching agent ( like a filling ) in the tooth cavity.

  2. External bleaching: a 45–60 minute procedure performed by a dentist in a couple of appointments. A concentrated peroxide-based bleaching gel is placed on the teeth in multiple short intervals till the desired shade is achieved.

Teeth bleaching ( at-home):

  1. Custom tray bleaching: This is a good option with minimal dental visits. A custom-made tray or mold is made for the patient, and the bleaching kit is provided. The material is loaded on to the tray as prescribed for a period of a few weeks.

‘Whiten teeth’ at home -

A few DIY methods to whiten mildly discolored teeth:

  • Whitening toothpaste

  • OTC (over the counter) strips and gels

  • Whitening mouthwash

Natural teeth whitening agents:

  • Limonene-commonly found in citrus foods

  • Bromelain as seen in papaya

  • Papain-in papaya

  • Banana peel rubbing

  • Strawberry juice

A word of caution!

DIY whiteners and natural ingredients can be highly abrasive when used inadvertently. The gradual disappearance of the stains can cause underlying wear and tear of the tooth as well.


Q. What is Zoom Whitening?

  1. A method of whitening all your teeth at once by focusing a lamp (Zoom Light) on them, which activates the applied bleaching gel.

Q. What is Laser Bleaching?

  1. A method of whitening a few teeth at a time by focussing a laser device on them, that activates the bleaching gel.


  1. Benahmed AG, Gasmi A, Menzel A, Hrynovets I, Chirumbolo S, Shanaida M, Lysiuk R, Shanaida Y, Dadar M, Bjørklund G. A review on natural teeth whitening. Journal of Oral Biosciences. 2021 Dec 13.

  1. Epple M, Meyer F, Enax J. A critical review of modern concepts for teeth whitening. Dentistry journal. 2019 Sep;7(3):79.

  1. Sarrett DC. Tooth whitening today. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2002 Nov 1;133(11):1535-8.

  1. Carey CM. Tooth whitening: what we now know. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice. 2014 Jun 1;14:70-6.



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