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  • Medha Gupta

To Pull or Not to Pull: Understanding the Reasons for Tooth Extraction

When the scenario looks hopeless, it is better to pull out. The case of tooth extraction is somewhat similar. Despite their name, “permanent teeth” in adults may not last a lifetime. Bad oral hygiene, a poor diet, and underlying diseases like diabetes can often be reasons to extract teeth. Both simple and complex dental extractions can be done with the least amount of pain or discomfort by an experienced dentist.

While it may sound scary, there are many reasons why a tooth may need to be removed. Tooth extraction is one of the dental treatments that should be considered a last resort. Loss of teeth may lead to poor eating habits and a declining quality of life.

Let's Explore the Top Reasons to Extract Teeth:

It is important that you understand why teeth are extracted. Only when you know the reason for tooth extractions will you attempt to make efforts to avoid them.

Causes For Dental Extractions:

  • Cavities

The most frequent cause of tooth extraction is tooth decay. Bad oral hygiene, reduced saliva flow, smoking, and genetics can all be reasons for rampant tooth decay. Untreated cavities can penetrate deeply into the tooth and result in permanent harm. A root canal may be able to salvage the tooth in some circumstances, but if the decay is too severe and involves the surrounding gums and bone, tooth extraction may be required.

  • Gum infections

Periodontal disease, commonly called "gum disease," is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and can result in tooth loss. It can result from poor oral hygiene, plaque and tartar, or comorbidities like diabetes. The gums may recede as a result of untreated gum disease, exposing the tooth roots and increasing their susceptibility to infection and decay. In extreme conditions, the tooth becomes mobile, and tooth extractions may be the only way to stop additional harm.

  • Impacted wisdom teeth

Third molars, or wisdom teeth, usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. They frequently become impacted or stuck in the jaw bones due to the lack of room. This prevents them from fully emerging from the gums. This condition is painful and can damage the surrounding teeth. It is necessary to remove impacted wisdom teeth to avoid further issues.

  • Orthodontic teeth straightening

Tooth extraction may be necessary during orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, to allow the teeth to move into the right alignment. This intentional tooth extraction is advised when there is overcrowding or crooked teeth.

  • Trauma

The teeth may sustain irreparable damage from accidents or trauma to the mouth. In some situations, tooth extraction may be required to prevent further damage or if the tooth is fractured beyond repair.

Reasons to Extract Teeth: Surgical

A tooth that is hard to see or reach, either because it hasn't fully erupted (an impacted tooth) or is fractured beyond the visible gum line, must be removed surgically. The only way a surgical extraction differs from a straightforward tooth extraction is in the method. It is a simple 20-30-minute procedure performed under local anesthesia and can be done in the dental office itself.

Reasons to Extract Teeth in Children

Your child may also require a tooth extraction at times. The following are some of the most typical causes for children to require tooth extractions:

  • Baby teeth:

Just like adult teeth, baby teeth can occasionally develop injuries or decay. The baby tooth may need to be extracted if it is painful or prevents the growth of permanent teeth. This can support the healthy growth of adult teeth and help prevent problems with alignment in the future.

  • Teeth alignment

When a child needs orthodontic treatment, such as braces or aligners, a tooth extraction may be required to create room for the teeth to move into the right alignment.

  • Severe tooth infection

Tooth extraction is not the preferred choice for dental infections. However, if the infection poses a threat to the growing permanent tooth bud or the development of the jaw, it should be pulled out.


Studies say that tooth extractions are by far the most sought after dental procedure in the world. Though it acts as a last resort, the reasons to extract teeth are sometimes valid. While the thought of a tooth extraction may be intimidating, it is performed by numbing your gums and is virtually painless. You can lessen your chances of needing a tooth extraction by maintaining proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing and flossing at least twice daily and seeing your dentist on a regular basis.



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