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  • Medha Gupta

Track your metabolism in real-time

Updated: Mar 10, 2023


Track your metabolism in real-time


Did you know that the global monthly search on the internet for "how to lose weight” is approximately 5,50,000? Quite rightly so, weight management and fitness are trending now. There are gyms, fitness centers, yoga classes, and diet counselors mushrooming in every other nook and corner.

Weight management is closely related to the "metabolism of the body.” It is complex and multifactorial. It is important to address the underlying problems of eating patterns, and lifestyle choices. In this case, knowing your metabolism makes it simpler to comprehend your nutritional and physical fitness requirements.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the process by which your body digests food and liquids. It is a series of complex chemical reactions that use the calories in food and oxygen to produce energy, at rest and in action. Hence, metabolism is a pivotal indicator of weight management.

Terms related to metabolism:

BMR/ RMR: Basal Metabolic Rate or Resting Metabolic Rate - it is the metabolism in the body to perform the activities of breathing, keeping the heart beating to circulate blood, growing and repairing cells, and adjusting hormone levels.

How can you measure metabolism:

Your doctor or dietician can measure your metabolism through manual calculations from the blood report. Like in every other field, technology has created a number of tools to track metabolism in real-time.

How does the device measure BMR?

It uses two methods to do so:

  1. Measures the carbon-dioxide levels in the blood: The respiration rate is an indicator of the number of calories that you burn.

  2. Measuring body weight: it will use BMI ( Basal metabolic rate ) to measure body fat percentage.

Here are a few examples of available metabolic trackers:

To discuss a few:

  1. Lumen:

Lumen is the first publicly accessible tool and app that shows you whether you're burning fat or carbohydrates in real-time.

Lumen's technology uses a flow meter and CO2 sensor to measure the amount of CO2 in a single breath. The first two weeks of morning measurements are used to establish your baseline and is known as your "Lumen Flex score." Measurements are taken early in the day, typically after you have been awake for an hour but before you have eaten anything. The Flex Score measures the adaptability of your metabolism.

A customized nutrition recommendation based on macros will be produced following the initial morning measurement.

  1. LEVL:

It is an FDA-approved device that measures acetone in the breath to accurately predict an individual’s fat loss.

Your breath's acetone concentration rises as your body starts using more fat for energy in comparison to carbohydrates.

The device provides results in just 15 seconds that determines true fat metabolism, boosts motivation, and verifies diet adherence. A true understanding of how one's body functions is possible by LEVL, which promotes successful weight loss and weight management.

  1. Fitbit Aria 2 Smart Scale:

The Fitbit Aria 2 is a wireless smart scale that measures weight, body mass index (BMI), and body fat percentage using cutting-edge technology to give you control over your fitness.

Typically, a body fat percentage between 10 and 22 percent for men and 20 and 32 percent for women is regarded as healthy.



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