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  • Medha Gupta

Vaping is 'NOT' Better than Smoking

‘Your future is worth more than a cloud of vapor. Choose to be smoke-free.’ The oral health effects of vaping, like vaping mouth sores, vaping teeth stain and vaping oral cancer are all real! Vaping is essentially the inhalation of vapor instead of smoke. It involves drawing in and releasing vapor from an electronic cigarette or another similar device. Electronic cigarettes, sometimes called vapes or e-cigarettes, are battery-operated devices that heat a liquid solution, the vape juice or e-liquid, to create an aerosol or vapour that the consumer inhales.

If you think vaping is an amazing substitute for smoking, you are mistaken, my friend. Let me tell you today that vaping is as outrageous a habit as tobacco smoking. You are harming yourself and your neighbors by adding to the air pollution.

How Does Vaping Affect Your Oral Health?

The industry's strategy for marketing these addictive devices has been to portray them as a better substitute for tobacco, as a way to quit smoking, and as a cool and trendy smoking replacement. It is available as flavored merchandise (such as tutti frutti, bubble gum, buttered popcorn, etc.). Many of you may be fooled by these marketing gimmicks and remain unaware of the oral health effects of vaping.

The e-liquid used in e-cigarettes is typically composed of propylene glycol, glycerin, flavorings, water, and nicotine, although some users may choose to use THC instead of the former ingredient. Studies suggest the following effects of the e-liquid in vapor or aerosol form:

  • The vapors contain a variety of environmental hazards, such as reactive aldehydes and carbonyls produced by the heating elements of the cigarette and the chemical flavoring ingredients. E-cigarette aerosols were reported to have formaldehyde levels that were much higher than the occupational safety guidelines.

  • The toxins in the vapors linger for a very long time in the body's tissue fluids at high concentrations. These water-soluble reactive toxins may pose a threat to the cells and tissues of the mouth and may change the naturally occurring bacteria and the structure of the body cells.

  • E-cigarette aerosols have toxic substances such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), flavouring chemicals, and heavy metals such as carbonyls.

  • Depending on the design and power of the e-cig, the heating element used during the vaping process operates at temperatures between 100 and 300°C. Heat is also detrimental to oral tissue health.

The ECs were patented in China in 2003 and released to the European and North American markets in 2006. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in 2018, more than 3.5 million middle and high school students used it. Thus, it's time you understand the oral health effects of vaping and stop this habit as early as possible.

Oral Health Effects Of Vaping

Vaping can affect your dental health in several ways. Here are some possible effects of vaping on your dental health, while more research is still needed to properly understand the long-term effect:

  • Vaping teeth stain

Vaping may result in discoloration of the teeth. The nicotine and other chemicals in e-cigarettes have the potential to stain teeth over time, turning them yellow or brown. This might affect your smile, necessitating teeth whitening.

  • Gum diseases

The nicotine and flavoring ingredients used in e-cigarettes can irritate oral tissues, particularly the gums. The heavy metals in these components are mainly responsible for gum disease or periodontitis. Gum disease can result in tooth loss, gum recession, and a general decline in the quality of your oral tissues.

  • Dry mouth

Vaping can result in xerostomia or dry mouth. Vapor inhalation and the heat from the device can decrease salivation. Saliva is crucial for preserving oral health because it washes away food particles, balances acids, and prevents tooth decay. Lack of saliva can contribute to various dental issues, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.

  • Vaping mouth sores

The heat from vaping devices and the chemicals in e-liquids can irritate and harm soft oral tissues, especially the throat and the inside of the mouth. This could result in excruciating mouth sores, ulcers, or lesions that make it uncomfortable for you to speak or eat.

  • Bad breath and increased bacterial growth in the mouth

The bacterial community that naturally resides in the mouth, known as the oral microbiome, may be altered by vaping. Some chemicals in e-cigarettes may promote the growth of harmful bacteria, disrupting the oral microbiome and increasing the risk of oral health problems, according to several studies.

  • Vaping oral cancer

The significant changes in the oral tissues caused by high temperatures, flavoring agents, and heavy metals lead to a state of chronic inflammation in the mouth. Prolonged inflammatory changes can also cause nerve degeneration and DNA alteration, resulting in oral cancer.


It's crucial to remember that the oral health effects of vaping might differ from person to person and vary depending on many variables, including the frequency and length of vaping, the precise substances in the e-liquids used, and personal oral hygiene practices. The best way to reduce the dangers and maintain oral health is to maintain proper oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, frequent dental cleanings, and, of course, quitting vaping!



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