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  • Medha Gupta

Wisdom Tooth Pain

by Dr Medha Gupta.

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Wisdom Tooth Pain

Why is wisdom tooth removal so common?

The last molar/third molar, or the wisdom tooth, has a high probability of not erupting. Such an un-erupted tooth is called an impacted one.

A significant part of the population suffers from the pain of an impacted wisdom tooth at some point in life and is advised to get it extracted.

Why does the wisdom tooth get impacted?

Wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 18 and 25 years.

However, it often remains stuck in the bone or partly erupted for the following reasons:

  • Lack of enough space in the jaw for the eruption.

  • Obstruction in the path of the eruption.

  • Abnormal position of the tooth in the jaw.

Wisdom tooth pain-symptoms:

  • A sharp, unbearable pain in the back jaw - a decayed wisdom tooth.

  • Dull nagging pain in the back jaw - gum infection around the wisdom tooth.

  • Red swollen gums that grow over the partly erupted wisdom tooth.

  • Itchy gums.

  • Ulcers on the gums around the wisdom tooth.

  • Salty and unpleasant taste in the mouth.

  • Bad breath.

How to detect an impacted wisdom tooth?

  1. Dental checkup.

  2. X-rays.

What types of impacted wisdom teeth are seen in the x-ray?

  1. Tilted-completely inside the jaw bone or partly erupted.

  2. Horizontal-flat and inside the jaw bone.

  3. Vertical - straight and inside the jaw bone.

Types of wisdom tooth removal:

  1. Intentional: If there is insufficient space for eruption, the wisdom tooth is removed at a young age.

  2. Symptomatic: Extraction is advised only when pain develops.

Wisdom tooth removal is a minor surgery and is done as follows:

  • Anesthesia: the area next to the wisdom tooth is numbed.

  • The wisdom tooth is exposed by a small cut.

  • Tooth extraction: the tooth is extracted and the infection is cleaned.

  • A follow-up appointment is scheduled.

Wisdom tooth removal-at-home care:

  1. Ice-pack compressions over the area.

  2. No spitting, gargling, or washing the mouth for 24 hours.

  3. Eat only soft food.

  4. Do take your meds regularly.

Complications after wisdom tooth removal:

Mild discomfort lasts for 3–7 days.

  • Mild to moderate pain.

  • Slight swelling in the region of the extraction.

  • Reduced mouth opening

  • Difficulty in chewing food.

DIY tips to relieve wisdom tooth pain:

  • Rinse with warm water and a pinch of salt.

  • Brush well.

  • Gum massage.


Modified food habits and lack of raw fiber intake have increased the chances of an impacted wisdom tooth in recent times. The pain can become recurrent if not treated. So a regular dental checkup can help you detect the problem early.


  1. Dodson TB, Susarla SM. Impacted wisdom teeth. BMJ Clinical Evidence. 2014;2014.

  1. Samsudin AR, Mason DA. Symptoms from impacted wisdom teeth. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 1994 Dec 1;32(6):380-3.



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