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  • Medha Gupta

Creative ways to get more exercise when you’re short on time

Creative ways to get more exercise when you’re short on time

The dynamism of modern life is, to varying degrees, a race. We are racing against time, distance, inflation rates, and environmental crises. In this hullabaloo of survival, a healthy lifestyle often takes a back seat, the fundamental cause being time. We have the money to shop healthy, but where is the scope to exercise and warm-up?

What if regular exercise could happen on the go? What if you learned to work-out and attend Zoom calls simultaneously? I ain’t joking here, folks.

Today, let’s get all creative and brain-storm few ways to shed pounds while completing chores:

  • Stop getting the morning supplies delivered at you doorstep. Take the stairs to and fro, while you make that brisk walk to the main gate to pick-up the deliveries. The fresh morning air and mellow sun awakens all the muscles in the body, and preps you for the day.

  • Skip mindless social media scroll before shower. Instead, a quick set of jumping jacks, spot jogs, toe touches, hand stretces and breathing exercises hardly take 10 mins. A combo workout also does wonders.

  • Another excellent idea is to alternate a series of strength-training exercises with periods of low-intensity walking or light jogging, such as jump squats for 15 to 30 seconds. Combination workouts are best performed in the late evenings if you are a night owl because you will feel the most energised at that time. Ensure it is not just before/after dinner.

  • Just before you take a shower, break a sweat in the bathroom. You could finish some stretches as the geyser heats the bathing water. The edge of the toilet is a convenient place to perform wall push-ups and tricep dips. You could perform bicep curls without weights by using 2 large shampoo/moisturizer bottles.

  • If your place of employment is nearby, skip the scooter and opt instead for walking or cycling. If not frequently, this is still quite doable once every three days.

  • Give up your regular habits. Avoid the nearest bathroom, the nearby coffee shop, the shortest route, and so on. These may seem silly and inconvenient, but they will add up to help you lose a lot of calories over time.

  • Walk and talk. This well-known jingle from a telecom company says much more than you might realize. Why not connect on the phone or tablet while taking a quick stroll in the balcony if the office meeting does not require you to present a deck? This considerably cuts down on chair time.

  • The following stretches are frequently performed while seated at a desk: seated tricep stretches, one-handed seated hugs, wrist rotations, seated spine twists, chair hamstring stretches, and chair back stretches. These are short nad simple stretches, require you to stay seated with minimal movements.

  • Breathing exercises while you work: deep breaths with stomach contractions has dual benefits. Controlled breathing increases the oxygen supply to the body's cells. Contraction of the stomach and abdomen works on the core muscles to burn off extra belly fat.

  • Subtle movements while you wait. Be it the coffee dispenser or a queue at the bus stop, a quick set sof calf raises and butt kicks do no harm.

  • Be sure to stay hydrated! They real mantra behind a good productive day is to replenish all the lost fluids. The human body is over 90% fluids, so it is important that you maintain the equilibrium.


You’re never too busy to care for your own body; you just have to be innovative.



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