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  • Medha Gupta

Summer Travel Dental Tips: How To Keep Your Oral Health In Check On Vacation


It's that time of the year when the warm weather and longer days make you long for a much-needed vacation from work. With multiple long weekends and your children's summer break, planning a trip becomes easier. However, summertime brings with it a few unwanted health issues that you usually would not anticipate. Lethargy and dehydration are at the top of this list. When on vacation, we often neglect our health, let alone our oral health.

Here are some simple travel tips for keeping your teeth healthy while on vacation:

  • Pack your toiletries well

Opt for a sizeable travel bag or container big enough to hold all of your dental supplies. Drop in your toothbrush and toothpaste. Try not to keep the toothbrush in an enclosed holder—it initiates the breeding of bacteria. Carrying dental floss is a must to remove any spinach or chicken fibers that annoyingly remain stuck to your teeth; avoid using a toothpick!

Remember to pack a small bottle of antibacterial mouthwash and sugarless gum—it comes in handy when camping or on backpacking tours where washbasins are scarce.

Don't forget to bring the carrying case for your mouth guard, your dentures, and your retainer!

  • Sunscreen is an absolute must

You must be wondering how sunscreens help oral health. Well, the oral cavity is not just about the teeth and gums; it is also your lips! It's simple to forget to apply sunscreen to crucial body parts, like your lips! Pick a chapstick or sunscreen-infused lipbalm to keep in your purse or travel kit so that you can easily remember to protect your lips every day and after meals.

  • Do not skip brushing at night

Beach activities and summer sports might exhaust you at the end of the day. Dehydration, lethargy, and drowsiness at night often make you skip brushing at night. Hold on! One day of skipping night-time oral hygiene can cause havoc to your teeth. By skipping a session, you're promoting the development of plaque, a bacterial buildup that can cause cavities and even gum disease.

  • Go easy on your desserts

The only sinful indulgence we occasionally indulge in is sugar. Science has proven that they are harmful to the body, and the mouth is no different. Summers are the best time to dive into ice cream, popsicles, fizzy drinks, colas, and lemonades. All of these are rich in sugar and are sticky, which linger around in the mouth for a while.

Sugars break down into acids that slowly start dissolving the tooth enamel, causing tooth sensitivity and cavities. Go easy on them and rinse your mouth soon after.

  • Take alcohol in moderation

Next time you enjoy some chilled beer by the poolside, remember to wash your mouth soon after. Alcohol contains acids that make enamel porous and brittle. The teeth become severely predisposed to cavities thereafter.

Couple your alcoholic beverages with fibrous foods like salads to help the fibers cleanse your teeth better.

  • Drink a lot of water, but avoid soft drinks and sodas

Drinking water or sipping tender coconut is amazingly hydrating. Coconut water replenishes all the minerals that you lose through sweat. This will prevent you from drinking soft drinks like colas, sodas, and lemonades.

These are again high in sugars and acids. They erode the enamel and expose your teeth to infections.

Key takehome

Summer trips can get tedious at times, especially if you opt for hiking and adventure sports. You may have a long day ahead of you, involving a 12 hours road trip or an overnight train journey. Sometimes you may not have access to the convenience of a spotless toilet to take care of your oral health. But don't worry! With these easily doable hacks, you can be a pro at keeping your mouth healthy.



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